In other news, also good, I've finished the first draft of Kingdom Asunder. I haven't yet run through the proto-chapters and worked out the initial word count, but with twenty-seven chapters at this stage I'm guessing 80-100k. It's likely to be a fair bit bigger when finished.
Hefty redrafting of the start will be necessary and whilst I may reverse a significant decision near the end that will require much less in terms of work. More description/development will be needed in many areas, but that was entirely expected.
Now I come to think of it, I've also finished the first draft of Sir Edric's Treasure. Whilst it'll need less work (and no maps) there's still a fair bit to do.
I'm hoping the comedy will be out this year. Kingdom Asunder is less likely. I wouldn't quite say it's impossible, just improbable. As well as the significant redrafting required, I also have the very difficult (and self-inflicted) task of balancing both sides of the story, as I plan to release a free 'regency edition' containing the chapters revolving around Esden (half the book), to help drum up interest both in Kingdom Asunder and the trilogy more generally. I also need to make a more aesthetically pleasing kingdom map, and probably two smaller ones (of the White Stag Mountains/the Mere, and Fenshire).
Anyway, enough wittering about writing. Time to actually do some work.