It’s pretty basic at the minute, but I do plan to update it as I write more. This blog will be updated fairly infrequently, and will be dedicated specifically to writing news (finishing drafts, announcing cover art, and so on).
Initially the site will have the book blurb of Bane of Souls, information on the general lore of the world (no major spoilers, of course), and a link to my blogspot blog, which is a slightly rambly affair with quite a lot of book reviews, musings on history and the odd game review. That’ll probably be updated a little less frequently, with the release of Bane of Souls hopefully coming in the next few months and Altmortis (the second book) underway.
The first significant update will probably be when I get the Bane of Souls cover art, which I’m really looking forward to.
Anyway, I hope visitors like the website, buy the book and enjoy reading it.