Forget Me Not, a short story of mine, features in the horror anthology The Haunting of Lake Manor Hotel, published by Woodbridge Press and due out soon. I’ve beta-read a couple of the other 12 stories, and know a few of the other authors, so I’m confident this is going to be worth a look.
Probably after that, The Adventures of Sir Edric (Volume One) will be published by Tickety Boo Press. This will include both the excellent Sir Edric’s Temple novella [previously self-published], and the entirely new novella Sir Edric’s Treasure. It’ll be my first traditionally published solo work and (as the title suggests) is intended to be the first part of an ongoing series.
[Sir Edric’s Kingdom, a novel-length third story, is in the final throes of finishing, and I have vague plans for a fourth large story, with a working title of Sir Edric and the Plague].
In the second half of the year, Kingdom Asunder may be released. It’s largely done (does need a final check), but there are some other things to consider. As the first part of a trilogy, I’d prefer to avoid large gaps between publishing instalments. The second story, Traitor’s Prize, is currently undergoing an initial redraft, and I haven’t started the final part yet.
It’s also possible, as mentioned, I might have extra short story releases, either as part of anthologies or for the excellent Kraxon magazine.
Anyway, The Haunting of Lake Manor Hotel and The Adventures of Sir Edric (Volume One) should both be out within the next few months. When I have firm dates in hand, I’ll be sure to bang on about them.