The extra stuff isn't related to changes to the plot or adding characters or anything like that, it's just fleshing out descriptions and perhaps adding the odd scene to help smooth character development. In the past I'd try to write the first draft entirely, getting stuck now and then and sloooowly working through them. This time, I've just written through them, and I'll come back to them for the first redraft. It remains to be seen whether or not this is a better approach, but I've grown more comfortable with redrafting so I thought I'd give it a go.
I'm also thinking about updating the Book Stuff page so that it's got a miniature summary of Journey to Altmortis. After all, most people visiting the site (+1 cool point for each of you) will already have bought Bane of Souls, or at least downloaded the sample.
I've begun early work on the map for Altmortis, which is an enjoyable challenge as I'm really rubbish at artistic things. I've got the initial symbols done and know where every major feature is in relation to each other, so hopefully I'll be able to put it together reasonably well. The only slight sticking point is one of two crests. It's of a crow, and I can't decide whether it's better all black or partly grey. Anyway, it's hardly an insurmountable issue, but I'll put it below: